Monday, December 21, 2009

So this is the New Year.

Bye bye, 2009. You're 10 days (actually 9 days, but 10 sounds better) from being gone. Here's a nice long post to you:

Here ends 2009. An amazing year, if I do say so myself. A year where I made life-long friends, temporary enemies & (hopefully) eternal memories.

A year where I discovered many of my strengths as well as my weaknesses.

A year where my life came together, and it seemed to fall apart as well, but it only built me up.

A year where I turned the double decade. It had to be a good year if it marked my very existence to the big two oh.

A year where I learned that I could finally harness my mindless obsessions into a filed of study that is worthwhile. Yes, my social media obsession can be useful for a career - advertising. Thankyouverymuch. There's one less nervous breakdown. I'm very happy with it. I don't feel useless anymore. I've found great joy in announcing that I indeed have a major. I also find great joy that I don't fit into any mold that was set up for me. Thanks to my supportive parents, I've chosen a place to go, and they will always be there for me when I decide to change my mind.

Once again, I'm going to start the year as I started the last: single. But I'm in no way regretting it. I had my share of romance, hope and heartbreak. I've filled my quota. They were all very fine young men and all very good lessons for my very fine young self. The good thing is that I have yet to lose hope. And when I feel like I'm about to, I can always just lay in my bed, watch Arrested Development and fall hopelessly in love with Jason Bateman... Weird, I know. But oddly comforting.

I speak of love sometimes as something fickle and cynical. But I believe in the purest kind of love & I will continue to seek after it. I am still very young, and very willing to fall & get back up again if I have to. So for all you boys out there, thank you. You've done me a favor.

Here's to a year of travels. I still can't believe all the things life has taught me. Life isn't to be lived in just one place. I am a nomad in my mind, & I'm not planning on settling down just anywhere.

Traveling to Jerusalem was life-changing. It's a beautiful place with so much life & history. I'm pretty sure I learned more about myself than I have in any other place. I also learned that I could totally pass off as a Jewish woman with my black bushy hair & my big schnoz. It's pretty liberating to know I'm not just confined to one culture.

Egypt was pretty cool too.

Guatemala: the land of my teenage heart. That week was just eye-opening. A week of humility and a lot of self-sacrificing. Nothing can stand in my way, thanks to that week. It's engrained in my skin.

Out of all my experiences in 2009, nothing was as fulfilling as working with the youth at EFY. Yes, I'm one of those cheesy counselors. BUT I LOVE IT! After years of thinking that I was this useless blob that didn't have a purpose, I finally found one during the summer. A love & light came into my life. I was like a child again, so eager to learn. I constantly wish I could go back to that, but then I realize that I always can. There's a strong testimony that I will keep yearning for. Philippians 4:12.

Along with that light comes a sure knowledge that I am loved. I am loved by a Heavenly Father who never ceases to bless me. & His Son that never ceases to forgive my shortcomings. I am loved by a family that is as flawed as I am. We love each other for them.

I'm definitely not perfect nor will I ever be in this lifetime, which is why 2010 "could be the start of something new." I've never reflected this much before the end of a year & the beginning of a new one. Sooo, this is a great start!

I'm writing down resolutions. I know, I can't believe it either. So here they are, typed & up into the airwaves so then maybe I will actually get around to doing them.

1. Keep a positive outlook & an attitude of gratitude.
2. Eat more fruits & veggies - not just buying them & letting them rot in my fridge.
3. Floss daily. Because you can never floss too much.
4. Reinvent myself at least once a month. A new side part? Wearing my heels somewhere else besides church?
5. Develop more talents.
6. Call my family more.
7. Write down. Anything & everything.
8. Workout therapy instead of retail therapy.
9. Read the news. Look smart.
10. Break out of my comfort zone & meet new people.
11. Fall in love.
12. Get up whenever I get down. Keep a service-oriented outlook.
13. Employ my time wisely. Stop the multi-tasking!

Last but certainly not least...
come what may & love it.

Here's to 2010. I'm going to make it a good one.

1 comment:

  1. COME WHAT MAY AND LOVE IT!! my favorite quote EVERRR! and you are my favorite person. Such a cute post. We shall be loves in 2010!
